Science – Shadows

Children had a great fun finding their shadows and investigating how the source of light makes the shadows longer and shorter depending on the position in the sky.

Fabulous Art Work

Over the next two weeks, we are focusing on prehistoric paintings in our art session. So far, we have learned about how prehistoric people made their cave paintings, the use of natural materials and earthy tones and the types of things they would paint. We discovered that many cave paintings were based on animals and decided that this would be due to how important animals were to them.

Last week, we had a go at creating our own “cave paintings” in the same sort of style, using earthy toned pastels and based upon British animals that we think people in another few thousand years would be interested in looking at. We learned how to create basic line drawings and then blend the pastels. Take a look at this beautiful example of an owl, created by one of the children in Jays class.

This week, we will be thinking about different textures and have already begun by painting on the different textures in our school playground!

Welcome Back!

Welcome back for the Summer term. We hope you enjoyed the two week break.

There are some changes to our Year 3 routine this term. Please see the attached topic web for further details.

Guided Reading

Our first text of the term is the beautiful story of “The Dancing Bear” by Michael Morpurgo. It is a very heartfelt book, thinking about the relationships between people and animals.


In Writing, we begin by looking at first person narratives, concentrating on present tense and first person perspective in descriptive writing. We will base our narratives on the setting from our guided reading study.


In Maths, we will be revisiting fractions and calculating with them.


Our first week back will be concentrated upon prehistoric cave paintings, which we will try to replicate the style of for our own favourite British animals.

Year 3 have had great fun experimenting with weights and identifying the mass of different objects in the classroom.

Digital Camera

Really Wild Reading Festival

We started our week with a walk to Abbeymead Primary School where we listened to the wonderful Anna Kemp discussing fantasy and magical stories. She encouraged us to create our own fairy characters with different magical powers. We had a wonderful time hearing all about fairy folklore and her exciting book series ‘In Goblyn Wood’.

If you’d like to read one of Anna Kemp’s books or buy one from our Really Wild Reading Festival virtual bookshop, you can find her books here:

On Tuesday, we will be lucky enough to meet with another author for a virtual workshop: Catherine Barr. We are particularly excited to hear all about her books on climate change and conservation. You can find out more about her here:

Jays’ and Woodpeckers’ 2023-2024 Class Blog

Welcome to the Jays’ and Woodpeckers’ Class Blog for 2023 – 2024. Here you will be able to enter the classroom and see what your child is up to. Teachers and Teaching Partners will post and share with you all of the wonderful adventures your child will take part in over the year. Please do comment and let us know what your thoughts are about all of the wonderful learning that is taking place.